Friday, March 14, 2008


I did a keyword search for "bookmobile" and got 1,250 results. When I used the Advanced Search feature and chose the Tag Search, only 56 posts showed up. What a big difference in search results! Does this mean that out of 1,250 blogs on bookmobile, only 56 included bookmobile in their tag list?

I entered nswpln2008 as a search term and came up with six results, including five from my weblog. But I noticed that the videoclip that I have embed in my weblog was not included in the search results. I wonder why!!!

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Now who knows why some of these things happen? I find it impossible to understand and luckily was not blessed with a technologically inquisitive mind so usually ignore the inexplicable! However, if you do want to check this out, give us a ring at PLS and we'll see what we can do.
