Monday, June 30, 2008

UWS Child Care Facilities

UWS College, Liverpool is a wholly owned entity of the University of Western Sydney. It has been providing English language classes and support for newly arrived migrants and refugees since 1998.

The College has been offering free, on-site childcare for its students from the beginning but can only do so for a limited number of children. Due to the increasing demand for such service, UWS College built a new and improved childcare centre. The new centre is run by KU Children's Services and can care for up to 35 babies and toddlers.

The UWS College Childcare Service was officially opened on Thursday, 17 April 2008 by the Hon Laurie Ferguson, MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services. The Centre is very colourful, has plenty of educational toys, games and books. So it's a win-win situation for those migrants and refugees who attend English classes because their own children get to learn, too.

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